In Baptism in Fire, we follow Philippe and Julia, a couple torn apart by the grief of losing their son. Their pain deepens when they discover that their child resides in Hell, trapped in the torment of the infernal circles reminiscent of Dante’s Inferno. Determined to rescue their son from eternal damnation, they seek the help of a medium with ties to the afterlife. The medium offers them a glimmer of hope: it is possible to baptize their child and free him from Hell’s flames. However, the cost is immense. The couple must make the ultimate sacrifice and embark on a perilous journey into the depths of Hell, where humanity’s darkest aspects reside. They will face terrifying trials and make unimaginable sacrifices to save their son. Order your journey to Hell now by visiting the store.
Author: nickmicho
Three wonderful articles about the campaign for the comic The Witches of Mississippi.
Generally, media articles are shared directly on our social media platforms. However, unfortunately, Meta blocks all content from Canadian media outlets.
A heartfelt thank you to Dominique Fortier from Medialo :
Maxime Paradis from the newspaper Le Placoteux :
Marc Boisclair from Horreur Québec :
Thank you!

The witches of Mississippi
Summer 2023 New Releases
There it is! You can now get your hands on the new Comic Beer album, Version 2 of Microbrasseries de l’Est-du-Québec, the ultimate comic guide to microbreweries, and Hugo Bellavance’s masterpiece, C’est si Beau le Rouge. Enjoy your summer!

Pre-sale of the graphic novel C’est si Beau le Rouge on Ulule starting March 7th.

Hugo Bellavance is here to dazzle you (especially with red) in his debut graphic novel, C’est si Beau le Rouge. This blood-soaked story is one of vengeance—nothing more, but certainly nothing less. It’s a tale where the sole purpose of one man’s life is to end another’s. The woman he loved was taken from him, and he will only find solace when blood is spilled.
C’est si beau le rouge.
La campagne de prévente débute le 7 mars sur Ulule. Précommander votre album ici :